I've read a lot of blogs. I like to look around and see various viewpoints on this type of lifestyle. To me it is an interesting way to get perspective on a variety of matters in a short amount of time. While we were traveling through Eugene, I wondered if we might have time for a factory tour. Our tours in Elkhart did not go well (one factory was unexpectedly closed on our last day and before that we were left waiting for an hour in the lobby for a "stop by anytime" tour--so we left) and I thought it'd be a great place to see some RV's being built. So, knowing that Oregon is home to a few well-respected builders, I did a search, and while there are several options for tours in the area - none fit our schedule, so we didn't go... But that's not the important part of this story.

While rooting around the Internet looking for tours I happened to
run across the blog of someone who had built a
Country Coach (their second) in 2008 and it was quite an interesting read. I enjoyed seeing their pics, and watching the RV go through the various stages from frame to final paint and the fit-and-finish. Well documented, and even through the shutdown at the factory over the factory's bankruptcy, you could feel their sheer enthusiasm for what they were creating. They call it
Magna Peregrinus, or "Great Wanderer". The blog was, and is, a fun read.
Link to the build of the Rig:
Link to the finished product:

Imagine my surprise when, as I'm driving through an RV park "to check out the chain it belongs to" and I run into that very same RV! They weren't home, and I would have felt a little awkward stopping the car and running over to knock on the door.
However, it was a very cool experience to have seen something like that first-hand. I can tell you this - MP is a really nice Rig.
The Cool:
Seeing something you've read about. It's kind of a little celebrity-star-struck in a way, but interesting nonetheless. I've never had it where I read about a Rig and then saw it. I've seen rigs and THEN checked out the website, but never the other way.
The Interesting:
The Rig is quite lovely and the paintjob is clearly first-rate. Reading the information about the construction of the Rig amazed me at what goes into those top-of-the-line units.
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